The Student Prints

The Student News Site of Struthers High School

The Student Prints

The Student Prints


Mia Clyde
The 2023-2024 Student Prints Senior Staff Front Row (Left to Right): Anthony Carter, Gabby Russell, Marisa Orbin, Olivia Miner, Advisor Stephanie Mickler, Kylie Anderson, Ke’Tairah Townsend, Gianna DeGeorge Middle Row (Left to Right): Christian Pascarella, Carley Johnston, Laci Ekoniak, Lexie Hanna, Morgan Minno, Ava Pokopatz, Gianna Cannon, Gracey Greenwalt Back Row (Left to Right): Martin Mills, Lucas Patti, Drew Kopnicky, Gary Mudryk, Na’Jier Howard, Taiya Baraka, Jamya Edwards Missing from Photo: Isabella Sferra, Scarlet Horvath, Julie Douglass

Kylie Anderson

What are your future plans? I plan on becoming an Electrical Engineer. I’m going to YSU to pursue my Education in the Electrical Engineering field. When I get my job, I hope to spend some quality time with my family and friends while also doing the things I love.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? There isn’t only one memory I would say that was my favorite. A collection of memories I would say. The memories I had in my clubs, the little laughs I’ve cracked in the middle of classes, the memories I had with my friends and even some of the conversations I had with the people around me. Those I would say are my favorite and bestest memories I had here.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year in journalism. I don’t have any special titles, but I do appreciate the time spent in this class.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I took journalism to express a bit of my creative side of writing. I love writing, and I want to expand on my writing skills and background. Journalism does just that for me.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Entertainment articles. I’ve always liked diving into some music, movie and shows.

What are you going to miss most about high school? Definitely the people here–the teachers, the kind staff, and the students. I’ll miss them all. They made me who I am today. The memories entangled between everyone here is something I won’t ever forget. I thank everyone for the memories we had together.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? To continue to do the best even if no one is watching. Whether it is the best decision or the best effort. I may never know, maybe someone was watching and has followed my footsteps. Or maybe they got inspired. I may never know. I’ll continue to dance like nobody’s watching. Sometimes the best and meaningful things in life are invisible.


Taiya Baraka

What are your future plans? Right now, I am still a little hesitant, but I am leaning towards going to the military. 

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school was definitely cheering at the football games. The feeling was just unmatched.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose Journalism because I like to write and learn new things, and I love the teacher.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Sports.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss seeing everybody and always having a set routine, but I am ready for a new chapter.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I learned is don’t take any time for granted because it will be over in the blink of an eye.


Gianna Cannon

What are your future plans? I will be attending The Ohio State University as a Social Work major.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? I really enjoyed holding the position as a senior class officer this year. One of my favorite things was planning and attending homecoming; it was truly something I’ll never forget.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am in my second year of journalism and am the Editor-in-Chief (EIC).

Why did you choose to take journalism? I always had an interest in learning more about people, and writing has always been my strongest subject.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) As the EIC, I look over each article, but I wrote feature articles last year.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’ll definitely miss the relationships I’ve made with friends and teachers the most. I’ve learned so much from so many people.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I have learned that it’s perfectly okay to make mistakes. As a perfectionist, failure is one of my biggest fears, but I’ve begun to work on tackling that fear. 


Anthony Carter

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend YSU in the fall.

What has been your favorite memory of high school?  My favorite high school memories are Friday night football nights.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take this class because Mrs. Mick is a great teacher.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I’m a sports writer.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss the Friday night lights, my teachers and my friends.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I learned is don’t take time for granted. You only have one shot, so do not miss your chance and blow an opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime.


Gianna DeGeorge

What are your future plans? I plan to attend Thiel College in the fall for Physical Therapy. 

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school for sure are Friday night football games. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I choose to take it because I love writing, and I know Mrs. Mick is a great teacher. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) My focus is Feature.

What are you going to miss most about high school? Definitely seeing everyone every day and making new memories with everyone. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I”ve learned to never take anything for granted, especially time.


Julie Douglass

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend the University of Akron to pursue Art Education.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memories have always been football Fridays where I get to be with my favorite people.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am only in year one; I wish I started sooner!

Why did you choose to take journalism? I love all things English, and my favorite area is creative writing.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I am an Entertainment writer.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I think I’m going to miss the people, not the school. I have met a lot of wonderful people, and I am very grateful for them.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? Everybody has an opportunity to be who they want to be. High school is a time of discovery and is a step in your life that is guiding you towards your future. Enjoy every day to the best of your ability and be somebody you can look back on and be proud of.


Jamya Edwards

What are your future plans? My plans are to go to college for nursing.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school is being in Slepski’s class bothering him.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take it because Morgan told me that she thought I’d like it.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write entertainment articles.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss my teachers and all of my friends the most.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? To never give up no matter what and that everyone isn’t your friend you have to do everything for you and only you.


Laci Ekoniak

What are your future plans? I plan to attend Youngstown State University to major in Criminal Psychology and continue my Cheerleading Career.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? I will always remember the great memories from football season. I’ll miss making run through signs for the boys and cheering them on during Friday nights. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my second year in journalism ,and I’m the Entertainment Editor. 

Why did you choose to take journalism? I took journalism because Mrs.Mickler is a great teacher and makes every class fun. Plus, I enjoyed the class last year, so I decided to take it again. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I don’t write this year; I edit for the Entertainment writers. Last year, I was one of the Entertainment writers.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss just about everything about high school. Like I previously said, nothing compares to a good Friday night football game, and I know that’s what I’ll miss the most. High school is such a prime time in life, and I’m not ready to say goodbye. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to take in every moment. I know the saying that time flies by is so generic, but time seriously does fly by. I swear I was just a freshman stepping into the new school, and now I’m about to graduate. Time doesn’t stop for anybody, so enjoy and cherish the moments you have left.


Gracey Greenwalt

What are your future plans? I plan on attending Raphael’s Beauty School and get my license in advanced cosmetology then earn my realtor’s license. 

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school has been attending the football games and dressing the themes for the student section with friends. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am in year one of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism, because I enjoy writing articles and stretching my vocabulary. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write about entertainment. 

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss being a part of all the extracurricular activities and showing school spirit. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I learned to be patient and positive in every situation you go through; take one day at a time and be there for yourself.


Lexie Hanna

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend Bowling Green State University and major in Forensic Science.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school would be the last day of school junior year. When the end of the day came I went to the parking lot and saw everyone celebrating knowing they were finally going to be a senior. That moment stuck with me because it was a time we were all united and celebrating.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because I love to write and express how I feel.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write in the Opinion section.

What are you going to miss most about high school? What I’m going to miss most about high school is all of the memories and people I have met here. I have created amazing friendships over the years, and I’m going to miss all the people I’ve connected with over the many years I’ve been in Struthers. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? The most important thing I’ve learned throughout high school is to be myself. For a long time I pretended to be something that I wasn’t and finally finding myself and being who I truly am has been amazing. High school has taught me to be myself because even though not everyone is gonna like who you are or everything you do, at the end of the day the most important thing in life is to be authentic yourself. By being  yourself you can make friends that can appreciate you for who you are instead of changing yourself for others. 


Scarlet Horvath

What are your future plans? I’m going to attend Thiel college to major in Psychology and continue my volleyball career. 

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memories of high school have definitely been getting closer to people I’ve never talked to my senior year, dressing the football themes with all my friends and hanging out at St. Nicks with everyone. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I’m in my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because last year I got interviewed, and it made me interested in the class. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Feature for all Struthers students.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss sporting events, personally I’m going to miss playing volleyball and being excited about playing my rivals; I’m also going to miss football and dressing the themes. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I’ve learned that everything always works out, and everything will be okay. 


Na’jier Howard

What are your future plans? I’m going to Siena Heights University to major in Mass Communication to play football.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory was my whole junior season of football.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I’m in my second year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? Journalism has a heavy influence on what I want to major in, so I figured it would be helpful for me to take. Mrs. Mickler teaching it was an influence too.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write for the Sports section.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss being around my friends and seeing them all the time. It’s going to be an adjustment to be so far away from them in the fall.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I learned that stuff is harder when favoritism is in play, but you can’t let it get to you.


Carley Johnston

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend the University of Akron for Exercise Science and Dance, and hopefully find a future career that combines the two.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? I’ve made so many amazing memories throughout the years, but my favorites are definitely from Friday night football games or school dances.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I’m in journalism two.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I took a creative writing class my sophomore year and absolutely loved it, but I couldn’t take it again, so I looked for something similar and found journalism. I enjoyed it a lot, so I took it again.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Feature articles this year, and I wrote News last year.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss all of the people I’ve met and the connections I’ve made most, but I’m also going to miss the consistency of high school, because I’m not the greatest with change.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I’ve learned to not take anything for granted, especially the little things, because you never know how fast things can turn completely upside down.


Andrew Kopnicky

What are your future plans? I’m going to be doing an apprenticeship to become an Electrician.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory in high school has been watching the football games on Friday nights and hanging out with my friends. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I’m in Journalism 2.

Why did you choose to take journalism? The reason why I took Journalism is because I talked to my friends, and they said they loved it so I decided to take it. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I am a Sports writer.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss seeing all of my friends in the hallways. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? The one thing I learned from high school is don’t take anything for granted; your time as a junior and senior year will fly. It will be over before you know it. 


Martin Mills

What are your future plans? I plan on working with my father until he takes over the business he works at.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? The conversations with friends

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year in Journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I was interested in writing about stuff I enjoy.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write in the Entertainment section.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss the social aspects of being able to meet with peers every day.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? The way you carry yourself shows others what type of person you might be.


Olivia Miner

What are your future plans? My future plans are to go to Kent State University in Salem to get a Early Childhood Education degree to become an elementary school teacher. 

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memories from high school have to be attending games whether I was playing in them or watching.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am a year one of journalism and no special titles.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because I have heard from others it was a good class to take, and I was interested in writing.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write in the Sports section.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss some of the people but also the less stress here then it’ll be in the real world

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I’ve learned in high school that I will take in the real world is the work ethic it takes to do well. I’ve learned this through working all throughout high school while doing well in school and playing sports. 


Morgan Minno

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend Youngstown State University to major in Nursing.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school was my senior year, as we made so many memories like the Secret Santa, Senior Sunrise, and so much more. It was so great getting along so well with my classmates and making lasting memories with them all year. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am in year 2 in Journalism. I am also the Feature Editor. 

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because I love interviewing people and getting feedback from different aspects from around the school. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc)  I write Feature articles, which is interviewing a certain group of people about certain topics. 

What are you going to miss most about high school? I will miss so much about high school, but most importantly, the friends and teachers who have impacted my life the past four years. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I have learned in high school is to not take anything for granted. The time you have is so minimal, so make the most out of it because you will never get those days back. Time flies by and you don’t even realize it.


Gary Mudryk

What are your future plans? My plans are to attend YSU in the fall.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory was playing in this year’s Student and Faculty basketball game.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year.

Why did you choose to take journalism? People said Mrs. Mick was a good teacher, and it looked like a fun class.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write sports.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss seeing all of my friends every day.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I learned not to take anything for granted.


Marisa Orbin

What are your future plans? My future plans are to go to Youngstown State University and further my education in the nursing program.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory of high school would be hanging out at my friends house every single weekend, we’d either swim, go in the hot tub or just hang out.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my 2nd year in journalism, and I am the Opinion Editor.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because my friends always talked about how much they liked the class. The following year I joined and I loved it, so I decided to take it again for my senior year. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I’m the Opinion Editor, so I don’t actually write this year.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss seeing the people I grew up with every day; it will definitely be a change once college starts.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I learned in high school is to get a good group of friends. Throughout the years, I’ve learned to have people around me that will influence me to do the right thing and that will always have my back in every scenario.


Christian Pascarella

What are your future plans? My future plans are to go to college at Westminster, to get a degree in Secondary Education in math and to play football.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? Definitely the memories I have made over all 4 years of playing football here at Struthers. A very specific memory I have that was one of my favorites was running out of the tunnel and seeing the entire city of Struthers in the stands for the home playoff game. Specifically, beating Poland in the playoffs this year was amazing.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I never had a class with Mrs. Mickler, and I heard she was awesome, so I wanted to take it.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc)I write for the sports section.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going to miss seeing everybody and always having a set routine, but I am ready for a new chapter. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? One thing I learned is don’t take any time for granted because it will be over in the blink of an eye.

Lucas Patti

What are your future plans? I’m going to attend Coastal Carolina University, majoring in Finance.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory was probably the first basketball game of my senior season.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism, and I’m the sports editor.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I heard from my friends that it was a fun class, and Mrs. Mick is a great teacher who I was glad to have again.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I’m the Sports Editor.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss seeing all of my friends every day.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I learned that procrastinating just makes things harder. and it doesn’t actually get you anywhere.


Ava Pokopatz

What are your future plans? I’m going to the University of Mount Union for Nursing.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory most definitely would have to be the Friday Night football games in the student section cheering for my team. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I loved having Mrs.Mickler as a teacher, and I saw that she had another class. I enjoy writing as it is, so I would enjoy the class anyway. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I am a Feature writer.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I will miss seeing the people I grew up with grow older and change into new and different people. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? The one thing that I learned is that time does fly and don’t waste your little time in school worrying about what others think of you. Just enjoy the time that you are with your friends and live in the moment.


Gabby Russell

What are your future plans? My future plans are to attend YSU for Forensic Criminology.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory was senior sunrise and getting to be with my grade all together and getting to watch the sunrise. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year of journalism, and I do not have any special titles.  

Why did you choose to take journalism? I chose to take journalism because it seemed like a fun hands-on class that I could be in with my friends.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Feature articles.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I am going miss seeing my friends everyday and all of our school activities, such as: Prom, Homecoming, football and basketball games. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I’ve learned that time flies and do not take any second for granted because you never know what is going to happen in the future. 


Bella Sferra

What are your future plans? I plan on attending YSU’s Dana School of Music to major in Choral Music Education.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memories of high school have probably been spending time with Mrs. Mickler and Senior Sunrise. 

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) I am a second year staff member and the News Editor. 

Why did you choose to take journalism? At first it was a backup class that I chose because I liked writing. I chose the second time because I love writing and reading articles, along with collaborating with Mrs. Mickler. 

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I do not write anymore but I used to write news.

What are you going to miss most about high school? What I’m going to miss most is probably hanging with Mrs. Mick and Mrs. Russo and performing with my Show Choir. 

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I’ve learned to make sure you know how you work and to make that known to people.


Ke’Tairah Townsend

What are your future plans? My future plans are to go to college to become a vet.

What has been your favorite memory of high school? My favorite memory is getting to leave school early every day.

What year of journalism are you? Do you have any special titles? (editor, EIC, etc) This is my first year.

Why did you choose to take journalism? I didn’t take it last year, so I decided to take it this year.

What do you write? (Opinion, News, Feature, etc) I write Entertainment articles.

What are you going to miss most about high school? I’m going to miss all of the teachers I’ve had.

What’s one thing you learned in high school that you’ll take with you for the rest of your life? I’ve learned that not everyone is your friend.

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About the Contributors
Carley Johnston
Carley Johnston, Feature Writer
Carley is 17 years old and a senior. She is in Journalism II. Carley’s favorite food is Broccoli Chicken Alfredo, and her favorite color is purple. Her favorite subjects are English electives, and her favorite teachers are Mrs. Mickler and Mrs. Lambert. Carley enjoys listening to many different genres of music, and her favorite movie is “Central Intelligence.” Carley is very involved, both inside and outside of the school and classroom. She is a member of the Struthers Color Guard, and is finishing out her 5th and final year. Carley is also the team captain of her competitive dance team. She dances at Torrie’s Academy of Dance in Boardman, where she’s been dancing since the age of three. Carley is also involved in many different school clubs, such as Interact, Future teachers, Medical Careers, and French Club. She is also a LINK leader. Carley has previously been a news writer, but is now doing features. Carley is looking forward to graduating and beginning the next chapter of her life and career. She isn’t sure where she’d like to go to college just yet, but wants to double major in Exercise Science and Dance.  
Mia Clyde
Mia Clyde, Entertainment Writer
Mia is a Junior at Struthers High School. She is Journalism II. Mia’s favorite food is chicken and greens pasta from Nicolinis. She also likes Chick Fil A and Wendy’s when she gets fast food. Her favorite school subject is English and writing. Her favorite TV shows are “One Tree Hill,” “The Vampire Diaries,” and “Spongebob Squarepants.” Her favorite movies are “Purple Hearts” and “Divergent.” She has always liked the color pink and purple and her favorite animal is a cat. Mia is a varsity cheerleader and has been cheering for 11 years. She is a Link Leader, the Junior Class Treasurer, and is involved in Interact, Future Teachers, Medical Careers, and Spanish Clubs. Her favorite time of the school year is football season because she gets to do what she loves most with her best friends and make run-throughs for the team every week. This year, Mia is looking forward to the football team going to the playoffs, cheering for basketball season, and getting all A’s in her classes. Also, she is ready to start looking at colleges and teams she would like to continue her cheerleading career on.
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