“On My Block” is a popular show on Netflix that was released on March 16, 2018. “On My Block” is about 4 kids, Ruby Martinez (Jason...
“The Notebook” was released in theaters on June 25, 2004. The movie, “The Notebook,” is written about a young couple by the names...
“The Florida Project” was released on October 6, 2017. This movie is set in the summertime. It takes place in and around the Magic Castle...
Teachers constantly grade students, but what if the roles were reversed? Many might believe that students shouldn’t have the power to grade...
Kylie Anderson What are your future plans? I plan on becoming an Electrical Engineer. I’m going to YSU to pursue my Education in the Electrical...
Jonathan Barth is a math teacher and boys tennis coach at Struthers High School. Mr. Barth has been teaching for 11 years and coaching for...
Amira West is a freshman at Struthers High School. She is a multi-sport student-athlete participating in volleyball and track and field for her...