Mr. Gaia is a teacher at Struthers High School. He has been teaching here for the past 26 years. Mr. Gaia is also a veteran, and he was an officer in the military.
Gaia is one of the only teachers in the building that served in the military. It is an honor to have veterans at our school such as Mr. Gaia and the other teachers in our building.
In the military, there are many things you grow to enjoy about it. Mr. Gaia enjoyed many things about being in the military.
“The responsibility, traveling, meeting people from different backgrounds and becoming friends,” says the teacher.
Before becoming a teacher, Gaia was a veteran. He served in the Army for years before changing his career choice. Gaia teaches topics in social studies like Global Studies, POD, and Financial Literacy.
After being in the military, there are many different career paths that you can take on. Mr. Gaia chose to be a teacher.
“As an officer in the military, you are a teacher to your subordinates, so going into education seemed natural but very hard to adjust to,” says Mr. Gaia.
Gaia loves being a teacher at Struthers. The teacher loves to have fun with his job and help students learn the topics that he teaches; he always tries his hardest to help the most he can.
Being a teacher there are many great benefits that come with their job, such as the bonds you make with your students.
“Over the last 26 years, I have had the opportunity to work with some really amazing students,” says the teacher.