“Ralph Breaks The Internet” is a 2018 animated film; it serves as a sequel to the 2012 movie “Wreck-it Ralph.” This movie continues the crazy adventures of Ralph (a video game villain) and Vanellope (a little girl who is a glitchy video game racer).
In “Ralph Breaks The Internet,” Ralph and Vanellope find themselves on a new adventure when a very important part of Vanellope’s game (Sugar Rush) breaks. To save her game from being unplugged, they enter the digital world. Once they enter the digital world, they encounter various complicated obstacles to avoid, like websites, apps and search engines. As they continue their quest for the game part, they stumble upon new characters. One of them is “Yesss,” an algorithm behind a viral video website, and the other one is “Shank,” a tough online racer. Vanellope likes the challenge and freedom the game gives and questions her desire about her old game. Ralph struggles with losing her and sets off a virus in the game to ruin it. He later confesses this to her, and then it ruins their friendship. The movie later shows them reuniting and fixing everything.
The movie utilizes the digital world very well throughout the movie. The movie explores the wide variety of the internet. It enhances storytelling by making the digital world a part of it by using websites, social media and online gaming. The use of the internet culture and references makes it really contribute to the movie setting, which is in the digital world of the internet.
Ralph’s character development throughout the movie is very noticeable by his insecurities and friendship with Vanellope. Throughout the movie, Ralph realizes he has to confront his own insecurities for the well-being of his friendship with Vanellope. The movie portrays him maturing emotionally/mentally for a deeper understanding of the genuine friendship of him and Vanellope.
Many viewers really liked how it connected the friendship of Ralph and Vanellope and how they went in detail with it for a deeper understanding. Its rating is a 10/10.