The Struthers Wildcats are playing basketball this season with a brand new addition to the team.
After several years of having the same coach, a new person stepped up to the plate.
For a long time, the head coach was Bill Neider. Before that, it was Mr. Grandy. However, who is the head coach this year?
The head coach this year is Coach Hritz.
“John Hritz is the current head coach,” says Junior post Ava Croyle.
With having such a dramatic change, there can be a difficult start to the season.
The last couple of scrimmages have been rocky due to not having the close bond to every player.
“The first scrimmage was rough because we haven’t really played together yet, but the second scrimmage went a lot better,” says Croyle.
Croyle started playing basketball because her older sister played. She wanted to be just like her.
Croyle will not be able to play basketball in college because with her degree, it would be too difficult.
“With what I want to major in, it will be too much to handle,” says Croyle.