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The Student Prints

The Student Prints

Zander Parrish

Zander Parrish, Entertainment Writer

Zander Parrish is senior at Struthers High School. At the time of this writing, he is 17 years old. He is one of the Entertainment Writers in Journalism II.

Zander is a student who enjoys doing work and always tries to do his best, he has been in Robotics for 3 years, currently in Advanced Robotics. Zander has a keen interest in computers, coding, art, editing, and gaming. With plans to get into the gaming industry, Zander has a goal to head to Kent State after his high school graduation for their specialized Animation Game Design class.

Zander tends to stay positive and tries to lift others’ spirits with jokes or just making conversation. This is why he chose to be an Entertainment Writer, and his favorite part of the Journalism class is creating short, humorous tales with silly punchlines.

All content by Zander Parrish


Zander Parrish, Entertainment Writer
December 12, 2024


Zander Parrish, Entertainment Writer
November 20, 2024
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