Olivia Busico, Opinion Writer
Livi is a Junior at Struthers High School and is 17 years old. She is in Journalism 1 as an opinion writer.
Livi enjoys swimming, amusement parks, attending concerts/events, shopping, and sleeping. Her favorite subject in school is English. She enjoys spending time with her friends and boyfriend. Livi’s favorite singer is “A Boogie wit the Hoodie.”
Livi is involved within her school. She plays softball and is involved in 3 clubs: Medical Careers Club, Interact Club, and Future Teachers Club. Livi enjoys playing softball and has been a part of the community for 13 years. Livi used to work at Dairy Queen in Struthers but now works at Gordon Food Services. She’s been there for a little over a month and couldn't ask for a better crew to work with.
Livi’s favorite part of Journalism is having the opportunity to choose what she writes about. Her main goal for the school year is to get into National Honor Society and maintain straight A’s. Math has always been a challenge for her, but Mr.Matzye makes it more fun and understanding. Livi wants to become an Ultrasound Technician after High School and is looking forward to graduating next year.