Rae is a high schooler who has always dreamed of being in a relationship, but when it happens, she is left to fight for the love and life she deserves, if she is going to survive.
In the book “Falling For You” by Lisa Schroeder, Rae has wanted to be with Nathan, but when they get together; he is not who she thought he was. As they get closer, Nathan wants more of her time and love, making her want to give less. Rae also has a tough life at home because of her unsupportive father and her mom losing her job. Then Rae’s affection for Nathan turns into fear, so she goes to her friend Leo for support. When she is with Leo, she starts to feel happier, and she has a weight lifted off her shoulders. Nathan starts to become jealous, and he does not want to let go of Rae, leaving her being followed with danger everywhere she goes. But with the happiness she has with Leo and working at the flower shop, nothing will be able to get in her way.
The writing style in “Falling For You” is very interesting because there are poems and side adventures within the book. These add a lot to the book because it makes it more intriguing, and it goes more in depth with the storyline. The book is well written and crafted by showing the relationships between the characters. The poems that the author writes throughout the book show Rae’s internal struggles and relationships, making it more relatable for the reader. The author also uses imagery and detailed descriptions to paint a picture of the characters surroundings and emotions. Overall, the writing style of the book makes it more engaging, so the reader will never know what can happen next.
The characters in “Falling For You” show the realities of life and how things can sometimes happen unexpectedly. Some of the main characters include Rae, Nathan, Leo, Nina and Spencer. In the book, Nina and Spencer are Rae’s main support system because they work at the flower shop together, and they make sure Rae has someone to help her with everything going on in her life. Rae first meets Leo at the coffee shop that he works at next door, and they instantly clicked because he was someone that made her feel good about herself, unlike Nathan. It was almost like most of the characters worked together to make Rae feel like herself again after she had people not treating her right. Moreover, the characters helped move the story forward, even though they were not all on the same side.
All in all, the book “Falling For You” gets a 4 out of 5 stars because the story was really well written. This book would be recommended to someone because it is a great read, and it makes you want to keep reading to see what happens next.