So, there’s this kid. His name is Michael, and today is his birthday. I personally have never really gotten to know Michael, but he is friends with at least eighty percent of the entire class. My small group of friends and I never really interacted with Michael because we have always thought he was annoying.
We are in middle school, and this kid still acts like he is five. Instead of asking “Want to hang out?” like a normal kid, he instead asks, “Do you want to play with me?” It makes me quiver from cringing up like someone who tasted the most sour lemon in the world. This is of course one example of the other things Michael does. Usually, he’s not that bad, but today is his birthday.
The teacher actually goes along with the parties he has planned for the ENTIRE CLASS. A giant birthday cake, games, and even a pinata, IN THE CLASSROOM! After we eventually break this pinata with the plastic bat you see toddlers using when they play wiffle ball, guess who has to clean it all up? The entire class, except Michael. Now I understand that birthdays are a very special day to the one who has gotten older, but this is just too much nonsense.
Today is going to be a nightmare, but at least there’s enough of us to clean it all up in around thirty minutes. And hey, it’s not all bad. I get some cake.