“The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1” is the third movie in “The Hunger Games” dystopian series. This 2 hour and 3 minute movie came out on November 21, 2014.
This intensifying movie takes place after Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss) is saved from the games. Katniss wakes up underneath supposedly destroyed District 13. Katniss learns that District 12 has been destroyed by Donald Sutherland (President Snow) because of Katniss starting a riot because of the game’s end. As the movie goes on we learn that Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), Jena Malone (Johanna) and Stef Dawson (Annie) were captured by the Capitol and are in the hands of Snow. Throughout the movie, Julianne Moore (President Coin) and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (Plutarch) are trying to convince Katniss to be their Mockingjay, to provide hope and guidance through this rebellion. She is hesitant at first, but then agrees to save Peeta and all of the people looking up to her. As the movie goes on, District 13 ends up saving Annie, Peeta, and Johanna, but since Peeta was brainwashed, he sees Katniss as the enemy.
One very major part of this movie is the way they show how war impacts the world. They showed this through using propaganda and the psychological traumas on the characters. They showed how the Capital tortured and brainwashed Peeta and totally changed how he viewed Katniss and District 13. They also show it through Katniss by providing scenes of her having nightmares due to the games.
Another major part of the movie is Peeta and Katniss. This is because throughout the whole movie Katniss is trying her hardest to get Peeta back. They show how Peeta is slowly starting to get confused on what the Capital is standing for. They did this by making Peeta be interviewed for the districts to see–to make him go against Katniss. In the end, their relationship is destroyed by the manipulation of the Capital.
Taking all of this into consideration, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1” is highly recommended for ages 13 and up and enjoy watching dystopian movies, which have violence and gore shown.