Many people of many religions have this intent to push religious education onto public schools. The general consensus is that this shouldn’t be even considered.
While sure, it could benefit a few, it’s a ridiculous proposition.
There’s plenty of reasons for this argument, ranging from the fact it’s purely against the law, to it being immoral. To be entirely fair, this argument doesn’t consider private schools. Private schools are essentially in a range of their own and aren’t at all opposing any sort of pre-established law or anything morally; they are private institutions and entirely optional. Public schools in and of themselves are as stated, public. To quote the Constitution, in the first amendment, it states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” While short, this provides that beyond even just opinion it’s hard to dispute there’s not backing for the argument within the law.
States like Louisiana have pushed the line of non secular education, opting to have the ten commandments within classrooms. While they’re not necessarily bad, it’s still pushing the boundaries of what doesn’t even need to be pushed.
There’s plenty of solutions to the issue. First and foremost, it needs to be recognized that there is no reason for this push; sure it benefits those within said religion, but it only harms those who aren’t. Secondly, private religious schools exist for a reason; those who wish to opt into religious education should have to opt in.
This unreasonable push for religion in public schools is near unconstitutional and essentially immoral. It’s just an unnecessary reach by those who deem it necessary to intrude on the private choices in the lives of some. The fact this is even being considered and going through is enough that there needs to be a change in both mindset and our actions.