Is animal testing benefiting our society? It is important to know that animal testing is a bad thing that should be banned.
Research shows us that animal testing has many ethical and scientific issues.
Animal testing is unethical and morally wrong. It can cause the animals psychical and psychological distress. Oftentimes animals are mutilated and tortured during the process of testing different products especially since most of the time, these products can be toxic. According to Lone Star College, “Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Thus, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Yet animals’ rights are violated when they are used in research because they are not given a choice. Animals are subjected to tests that are often painful or cause permanent damage or death, and they are never given the option of not participating in the experiment.” The pain and suffering that animal testing can cause is not worth the possible human benefits. It is not fair that animals have to partake in the advancement of human products. Especially since most of the time the testing is for cosmetic purposes. For example, testing a lipstick can possibly kill an animal, it should be basic morals to not possibly kill or harm an animal just for a lipstick but sadly it is not.
Some people believe that animal testing should not be banned because it can provide important information about human death or disease. This is not a valid statement because although animals may be slightly similar to humans and have many of the same health problems they are not completely similar. This can cause misleading or completely wrong solutions to an issue. This further proves that causing these animals death or lifelong trauma is not worth partially correct answers.
In order for this to change more people need to get educated on the harm that animal testing can cause. Some people don’t fully grasp the negative side effects. We can also work to sign more petitions and really work together to make a change happen.
Overall, animal testing should be banned because it is morally wrong. It causes unnecessary pain and trauma to the animals. The death and pain of animals is not worth proper cosmetics or answers to human issues.