“How I Met Your Mother” is a sitcom that premiered on September 19, 2005 on CBS and ended on March 31, 2014, highlighting the life of Ted Mosby before he met his wife.
“How I Met Your Mother” is about Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor), a father in the year 2030, telling his children the story of how he met their mother. It depicts his life in New York City with his friends Marshall (Jason Segel), Lily (Alyson Hannigan), Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), and Robin (Cobie Smulders), outlining their careers, love lives, and adventures. It is a series of flashbacks exhibiting the experience of his adult life that is full of suspense, leading up to the moment when he finally meets Tracy (Cristin Milioti), his wife and the mother of his kids.
The show is super entertaining and always filled with suspense. It is a show that always keeps you on the edge of your seat, making it easy to binge and enjoy. There is no fault in the drama and comedy that is always present. The way that the story is written all comes together in the end with laughter and tears along the way, overall making it very interesting and an amazing watch.
In “How I Met Your Mother,” the ending was very abrupt and all shoved into one episode. In the final episode, so many things were happening so fast that it was hard to process and understand the story. It made the ending quite the disappointment, but very understandable considering the events leading up to it. The finale was overall very hurried; however, it doesn’t take away from the experience along the way.
Overall, “How I Met Your Mother” is a riveting story and always has you wondering what happens next. It is 5 out of 5 stars because of the suspense and comedy it brings to the audience.