On a snowy night, a family resided in a warm and cozy house. The fireplace was lit, the oven was running, as well as the children. The family had prepared for the Christmas season: a tree set up, lights and all. Presents lay at the bottom of the decorative plastic tree that was purchased from the Dollar St0re, all with peoples’ names on them.
Alas, this family was the same family mentioned before! Remember the Thanksgiving dinner? After their glorious feast, the family moved on to the next task. The mother smiled proudly at the star placed atop the tree. The father had a nice mug of hot cocoa. The children, still, were running around the house. The grandmother reminded them that they may break all of the family’s hard work, and so the children stopped.
Once everyone was settled, the father turned on the television, as the family gathered around to watch their favorite Christmas movies. Just then, the grandfather walked in, turning everyone’s attention, even the cat’s. He looked puzzled, looking all around the room, before returning to his grumpy mood. “What’s wrong, Grandpa?” asked one of the children.
“IT. IS. NOVEMBER!!” shouted the grandfather.