“The Inheritance Games,” a trilogy written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, is when a high school girl inherits a billionaires fortune and has to play an inheritance game to claim it.
In the novel, Avery Kylie Grambs started out as a normal high school student, and quickly turned into the richest teenager in the world with over $46 billion dollars. To be able to claim the money she has inherited from this billionaire stranger, she must live in the Hawthorne house with her sister, Libby, that is now hers, for a year and play the inheritance game to win her fortune. Throughout, she meets new friends, including the 4 grandsons of the late billionaire who start out believing she’s a con artist. But soon, they all work together to find out the mystery as to why she inherited all of the money instead of them by figuring out puzzles, riddles and codes throughout the mansion.
During the beginning of the story, the 4 grandsons start out as suspicious of Avery. The 4 boys contain the oldest Nash, 2nd oldest, Greyson, then Jameson and then Xander being the youngest. The buildup between the relationships between the Hawthorne brothers and Avery is very interesting because they all went through different obstacles while beginning to trust her. Xander started out liking her early on, along with Jameson, who was curious about Avery, and they have a very interesting romantic relationship later on in the trilogy that started out early on. Greyson and Nash didn’t trust or like Avery in the beginning because they believed that she had conned her way into the inheritance, but both respected her later on.
The rising action to the novel is when Avery find out that she has to spend a year in the Hawthorne House to be able to inherit the billions of dollars from the late billionaire,
Tobias Hawthorne. The buildup to the climax is suspenseful because there are many moments where the reader is left wondering what will happen next. The climax explains how Avery and the Hathorne brothers figure out that Tobias picked Avery because he believed that she was the one who would take many risks to figure out the truth about Tobais and his fortune. It’s very interesting because her name is Avery Kylie Grambs, which refers to the phrase, “A Very Risky Gamble.” The book has a shocking ending where Avery finds out a secret about her real relationship with the Hawthornes.
This book is an amazing book for people who like reading about mystery and thriller, with realistic characters and a suspenseful plot. This book is a 5 out of 5 stars rating because of how fast paced it is and how the reader can easily get themselves addicted to reading it.