Rae is a high schooler who has always dreamed of being in a relationship, but when it happens, she is left to fight for the love and life she...

A high school student, Cher Horowitz (Alicia Sliverstone), befriends a new student and decides to give her a makeover to be a better person to...

In the small town called Tree Hill, two half brothers Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) and Nathan (James Lafferty), deal with the conflicts of high...

What are the benefits of studying? Can it actually be beneficial when it comes time to take a test or exam? The answer is yes and no; for...

Kylie Schiedel is a junior tennis player at Struthers High School who plays third singles. She has played since her freshman year and plans on...

Ms. Jennifer Jones is a new track coach at Struthers High School. As she prepares for the upcoming season, she’s eager to embrace new opportunities...

Kevin Dailey, arguably one of the most influential teachers within the Struthers district, has been working at Struthers High School for 17 years. Dailey...